
Child Health nieuws

Child Health nieuws

Paediatricians happy with Health Council advice on vaccination against RS virus

UMC Utrecht and The Wilhelmina Children's Hospital think it is good news for babies and their parents that the Health Council recommends including a vaccination against the RS virus for infants in the National Vaccination Programme. This vaccination protects infants against the RS virus during their first vulnerable months, and it also provides broad societal benefits. The number of hospital admissions due to the RS virus can fall by 80 per cent, scientific research shows.

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'I learned to look at patients specifically'

Portrait picture of Hans Derks, professor of paediatric soft tissue and bone sarcomas at UMC Utrecht.

Hans Merks, professor of paediatric soft tissue and bone sarcomas at UMC Utrecht, delivered his oration on Friday 2 February, titled 'Look and marvel'. A speech about sarcoma research, deeper layers that you only start to see when you realise it and the search for effective treatments for children.

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New gene therapy reimbursed for children with MLD

New gene therapy is reimbursed for children with a very rare metabolic disease (MLD). MLD is a severe genetic disease caused by a mistake in DNA. This gene therapy is the only effective treatment for a severe variant of MLD in which children deteriorate rapidly. The Dutch government recently started reimbursing this therapy for patients who have no symptoms yet.

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Symposium: If moving is a concern

Maaike Sprong

Young children with severe congenital heart defects have an increased risk of developing brain damage due to delayed brain development. As a result, long-term developmental problems frequently occur.

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Precision medicine to treat effectively

Marcel Kool

Marcel Kool, professor of Childhood brain tumors at UMC Utrecht, delivered his oration on Wednesday 24 January, titled "Pediatric Brain Tumors - WHO cares!?" on the different types of brain tumors in children, developments in precision medicine and the search for effective treatments.

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Substantial grant awarded for smart alarm in ICU

UMC Utrecht is coordinating the Smart Alarm Management Study. This investigates ways in which beeping medical devices around the patient's bedside can be used differently. Using smarter algorithms, the devices can transform into a silent alarm chain that informs the caregiver in a proper and timely manner. Eight tons have been allocated for this study, which is being conducted as part of Smart And Silent ICU (SASICU). This is a €17 million public-private funded research project. Several other European teaching hospitals and Innovation Partners Dräger and Ascom are involved.

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AI forecasts outcomes in very premature babies

Researchers at UMC Utrecht have developed an AI model to predict long-term outcome in extremely premature babies early in life. The model can identify which infants might face intellectual disability as they grow. When further developed, it could offer crucial insights for healthcare providers as well as valuable information for parents about their child’s expected developmental journey. The results of the study have been published in The Lancet Digital Health.

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Newly described mechanism offers opportunities for treatment of cystic fibrosis

People with cystic fibrosis have a compromised defense against pathogens in the lungs, due to the accumulation of thick mucus in their lungs in which pathogens thrive. Apart from the mucus, the fluids lining the airway surfaces are also too acidic and that inhibits additional antimicrobial defense mechanisms against pathogens. Researchers from Newcastle University and University Medical Center Utrecht have described a new cellular mechanism that influences this acidity using miniature airways, and discovered two already approved drugs that could potentially be used to change the acidity in people with CF.

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Pay attention to late effects of childhood cancer

Leontien Kremer

Leontien Kremer, professor of late effects after childhood cancer at Utrecht University delivered her oration titled 'LIFE: now and LATER' on caring for survivors of childhood cancer with late effects, health problems after treatment.

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Utrecht collaboration strengthens care and research

Children with a tumour near the hypothalamus - the hormone centre in the brain - may suffer from hormone imbalances. This can be caused by the tumour, but symptoms can also worsen after treatment through surgery or radiotherapy. If the hypothalamus is damaged, in addition to a hormone imbalance, there is also a disturbed sense of hunger and thirst, heat regulation and day-night rhythms. As a result, they may suffer from severe obesity and chronic fatigue after treatment.

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Working at UMC Utrecht





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