


The UMC Utrecht has an extensive collection of books, journals and search systems at the disposal of its students, researchers, healthcare professionals and staff members. The medical specialist of the Utrecht University Library manages this (mostly medical) collection on behalf of the UMC Utrecht.

Access the libraryuitklapper, klik om te openen

All those employed by the UMC Utrecht have free internal and external access to the online collection of the Utrecht University Library and the UMC Utrecht library. In addition, every staff member can become a free member of the University Library for borrowing the printed copies by applying for a library card at the Utrecht Science Park University Library (Heidelberglaan 3). This is a once-only requirement and solely for authentication purposes. University Library membership is also required for requesting articles or books that are not available in Utrecht.

Staff members who are attached to the Utrecht University as teachers can apply for a Solis account (Solis-ID) at the University. The Solis ID gives researchers and teachers access to numerous information systems and facilities both within and outside the UMC Utrecht and Utrecht University.

Medewerkers die als onderwijsgevende verbonden zijn aan de Universiteit Utrecht kunnen een Solis-id aanvragen. Dit account geeft onderzoekers en onderwijsgevenden zowel binnen het UMC Utrecht als buiten het UMC Utrecht toegang tot tal van informatiesystemen en faciliteiten van de Universiteit Utrecht.

Iedere student is automatisch lid en kan gratis gebruikmaken van de online collectie van de Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht en de bibliotheek van het UMC Utrecht.

All students are automatically a member and can make free use of the online collection of the University Library and the UMC Utrecht library.

Search articles

Online access through Library Access

Library servicesuitklapper, klik om te openen


The library’s extensive collection (books, journals, search systems) can be accessed both from within and from outside the UMC Utrecht.


The subject specialist provides training in searching for and handling scientific information (including evidence-based medicine) for all programs provided by the UMC Utrecht.

Libguides are online modules with useful tips, backgrounds and training for searching for and handling scientific information.

Research Support

The subject specialist advises researchers, healthcare professionals and other staff members of the UMC Utrecht in organizing and carrying out systematic desk research (e.g., for systematic reviews). The subject specialist can also provide information on such matters as literature management, Open Access publishing and making your research results more noticeable.

View planned workshops

Accessibility and contactuitklapper, klik om te openen

Please feel free to contact the staff of the University library if you have any questions about the services the University library provides for education and research. If necessary, we will visit your department to give a presentation on our services.

Please contact for general questions. You may contact one of our subject specialists for questions related to the faculty of Medicine. 

Najoua Ryane MSc
06 2880 1151

Contact us by phone



Office: G01.511

Visiting hours are monday to friday. You can visit us at anytime or make an appointment. 

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