
Teaching qualifications for teachers

Teaching qualifications for teachers

Education is one of the three pillars of the UMC Utrecht. Everyone who teaches or trains in practice should be trained and qualified for their teaching/training tasks. That is why the UMC Utrecht has various Teaching Qualifications and why we, as the Faculty of Medicine, follow the policy of Utrecht University. How we do this can be read in the UMC Utrecht Faculty Policy on Educational Qualifications.


What are the new UTQ requirements, what will change?

A knowledge clip (in Dutch!) with extensive information and the new UTQ portfolio can be found on the website.

Do I have to redo everything if I cannot submit the UTQ portfolio in time according to the old requirements?

The new portfolio model has (partly) other questions. You can partly use the answers to the previous questions in the old model in the new model, but you will have to adjust texts.

You can also add the collected attachments. Please note that you will probably have to collect additional attachments.

A knowledge clip (in Dutch!) with extensive information about what has changed with the new requirements and the new UTQ portfolio can be found on the website.

Within the UMC Utrecht we currently have four educational qualifications:

  • University Teaching Qualification (UTQ)
  • UTQ Part Certificate Education Implementation
  • Clinical Education Qualification 
  • Advanced University Teaching Qualification (AUTQ)

For whom which educational qualification is mandatory or relevant can be seen in this decision tree.

Assessment weeks

For information on assessment weeks and associated portfolio submission deadlines.

How to achieve a teaching qualification drop-down, click to open uitklapper, klik om te openen

It always starts with an individual intake interview with an educational advisor Teaching Professionalism from the Education Center. Here, based on your position and experience, we will determine which qualification is relevant and achievable and by which route you can achieve it. The global route is shown in this diagram.

All qualifications require you to demonstrate a combination of relevant teaching experience and didactic training. You reflect on your development in a personal portfolio.

University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) uitklapper, klik om te openen

What and for whom is a UTQ?

A UTQ qualification (in Dutch BKO) is a teaching qualification for all lecturers at Utrecht University. The UTQ is mandatory for all employees employed by UMC Utrecht (for the duration of at least 2 years) with a structural broad teaching task in university education of at least 0.2 fte on an annual basis. A UTQ is also mandatory for all professors, all UHDs and all block coordinators (regardless of the extent of their teaching task).

A broad teaching task means that you have tasks both in the development of education and in its implementation in different forms and to different groups and in the testing and assessment of students. Even if the scope of the teaching task at UHDs or HL is small, this variation is expected.

The UTQ-qualified teacher has recognized skills in the delivery of education to students, engages in education structurally and responsibly, can design education, and can supervise, instruct, test and assess students individually and in groups.

Requirements UTQ

To obtain a full UTQ qualification, you must meet all the final attainment targets set by UU for the UTQ. This requires varied teaching experience in both design and implementation as well as testing and assessment. Didactic training is also required and you are expected to show student evaluations, teaching observations of your teaching, your teaching observations of fellow lecturers, and examples of teaching and assessment materials you have developed. Educational requirements

Obtaining the UTQ

First plan an intake interview to see whether a UTQ is mandatory or achievable for you!

To show that you meet the requirements for the UTQ, you will have to make a portfolio. A portfolio model is available for this purpose.

To meet the requirement of didactic training there are two possible routes: the UTQ course (in Dutch) or a self-composed training package (see teacher training offer). It is up to you to decide which route is most appropriate for you. During the intake the educational advisor will discuss the advantages and disadvantages with you.

To collect student evaluations, you can use several options: such as the usual teaching evaluations and the , the feedback and observation forms (see below this page or use drop down menu)

Your teaching experience should be described in the Teaching CV. You should mention content, form and target group. The portfolio model includes an outline for this.

Feedback and assessment

When you think you meet all the requirements and you have composed your portfolio, you have to submit the complete portfolio digitally as two pdf-files (one pdf-file with the portfolio and one pdf-file with the attachments) to

You will then receive substantive feedback via email from one of the educational advisors.

If everything is complete and convincing in the opinion of the educational advisors, you can go up for the assessment interview. That interview is conducted with two experienced teachers from the Board of Assessors and is supervised by an educational advisor. When submitting your draft portfolio, you can already sign up for the assessment interview, but keep in mind that any additions must be done before the deadlines.

If you also show in the interview that you meet the requirements, you will receive the UU certificate for the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine.

Part Certificate Education Implementation uitklapper, klik om te openen

What and for whom is the UTQ Part Certificate?

The UTQ part certificate Education Implementation (in Dutch UvO) is an intermediate step on the way to a full UTQ (University Teaching Qualification). This part certificate is mandatory for all employees employed by UMC Utrecht – for a period of at least 2 years – with a structural (but limited) task in providing academic education. This means at least 0.1 FTE but less than 0.2 FTE on an annual basis.

By Education Implementation is meant delivering lectures, tutorials, supervising working groups, skills training and ‘practicals’ and supervising individual students during (clinical) internships or as a tutor/mentor. A structural (but limited) task means that several of these educational tasks are carried out, but that the education design and feedback & assessment of education are not part of one’s job activities. (Those who perform only one teaching task are expected to attend training for that teaching task, but do not have to obtain a teaching qualification.)

A teacher who has obtained this part qualification has recognized skills in the delivery of education and is able to encourage students to learn, both individually and in groups.

UTQ Part Certificate Education Implementation requirements

To obtain a UTQ Part Certificate, you must meet the University Teaching Qualification competences of the competence area ‘Teaching and supporting learning' from the UTQ competence levels drawn up by the UU. This requires experience in teaching and supervising students. You must also have completed relevant didactic training. Finally, you are expected to show student evaluations, teaching observations of your teaching, your teaching observations of fellow lecturers and examples of teaching materials developed by you. Teaching experience requirements for part-qualification UTQ.

Achieving the partial qualification

First schedule an intake interview to see whether a UTQ Part Certificate is mandatory or achievable for you!

To demonstrate that you meet the requirements for the UTQ Part Certificate Education Implementation, you must compile a portfolio. A portfolio format is available; this is part of the portfolio for the full UTQ.

To meet the requirement of didactic training, you are required to attend the course part UTQ Education Implementation at the UMC Utrecht or through the UU (in development). If you have already attended relevant didactical courses, you can supplement these, if necessary, with separate teacher training courses within UMC Utrecht or elsewhere. For more information see the teacher training offer.
You can register for the module or separate courses yourself and the costs are for your own account or for the expense of your division.

To collect student evaluations, you can use several options: such as the usual teaching evaluations, the UU feedback forms or the Onderwijscentrum digital feedback tool for individual lecturers (currently in development).

For teaching observations of and by fellow teachers, you can use this observation form.

Your teaching experience should be described in the Teaching CV. This includes content, form and target group. The portfolio model includes an outline for this.

Feedback and assessment

When you think you meet all the requirements and you have put them together in the portfolio, submit the complete portfolio digitally (as one merged pdf-file!) via

An educational advisor will assess your portfolio and provide you with feedback. When everything is complete and convincingly demonstrates that you meet the requirements, you will receive the UU UTQ Part Certificate for the part-qualification ‘Education Implementation’ on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine.

Advancing to a full UTQ

You can further develop the UTQ Part Certificate Education Implementation into a full UTQ certificate. This requires additional training in education design and testing & assessment and more experience in delivering education, but especially in designing education and testing/assessment. With these training insights and experiences, you can further supplement your UTQ part certificate portfolio into a complete UTQ portfolio. This is followed by the feedback and assessment process of the UTQ. The assessment for the UTQ looks at all aspects, including your further development in delivering education, even if you have already received a certificate for this.

Clinical Education Qualification uitklapper, klik om te openen

What and for whom is a Clinical Education Qualification?

A Clinical Education Qualification (KKO in Dutch) has been developed by UMC Utrecht specifically for healthcare professionals who are involved in and have an affinity with training in the clinical work setting. These healthcare professionals perform all kinds of training tasks on the shop floor and want to develop further in this area. They act as role models, coaches, supervisors, supervisors, assessors and bed-side teachers in a variety of settings. Workplace learning is central to this qualification. Within the UMC Utrecht, for these employees the KKO is equivalent, but not identical, to the Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO).

The KKO qualified clinical instructor has recognized skills in the implementation of clinical education (training in the workplace, supervision of students and assistants and training in a team), can design training situations in the clinic and can give and assess students and assistants feedback in the clinical workplace.

Requirements CEQ

In order to obtain the Clinical Education Qualification, you must in principle be permanently employed by the UMC Utrecht, meet all the final attainment targets set by the UMC Utrecht for the KKO. This requires, among other things, experience in designing clinical education/training situations, conducting clinical education, giving feedback and assessment in the clinical work setting. Didactic training (focused on the clinical work setting) is also required and you are expected to add the following to your portfolio: student evaluations, observations of your clinical teaching, your observations of clinical fellow teachers and examples of clinical training and assessment materials developed by you.

Obtaining the CEQ

First, schedule an intake interview to see if a KKO is appropriate or feasible for you!

To demonstrate that you meet the requirements for the KKO, compile a portfolio. A portfolio model is available for this purpose and will be handed out during the course.

In order to meet the requirement for didactic training , there is only one possible route: the KKO course. In time this will also be possible by putting together your own training package.

Feedback and assessment

If you feel that you meet all the requirements and have compiled your portfolio, you will submit the complete portfolio digitally as two pdf-files (one pdf-file with the portfolio and one pdf-file with the attachments) to

You will then receive substantive feedback from one of the educational advisors via email.

If everything is complete and convincing in the opinion of the educational advisors, you can go up for the assessment interview. That interview is conducted with two experienced teachers from the Board of Assessors and is supervised by an educational advisor. When submitting your draft portfolio, you can already sign up for the assessment interview, but keep in mind that any additions must be done before the deadlines.

If you also demonstrate in the interview that you meet the requirements, you will receive the Clinical Education Qualification (KKO) certificate on behalf of UMC Utrecht.

Advanced University Teaching Qualification (AUTQ) uitklapper, klik om te openen

What and for whom is an AUTQ?

The Advanced University Teaching Qualification (also called Senior Teaching Qualification) builds on the UTQ and is mandatory for all staff with an appointment as a teaching UHD (associate professor teaching) or teaching professor. In addition, this qualification is mandatory for employees (1) permanently employed by the UMCU and (2) appointed as a UHD/scale 13 or higher and (3) who perform a structural task in university education of at least 0.2 fte on an annual basis and (4) have a formal managerial or coordinating role in this. (Only if all four conditions are met does the obligation apply).

A coordinating/leadership role could include, for example, program coordinators, coordinators of a course unit, members of a curriculum, block and/or line committee or members of a Program Council or Examination Board.

The AUTQ-qualified teacher has - in addition to the skills associated with the basic qualification - recognized skills in the development and coordination of education and also has demonstrable educational expertise. Thus, he or she can coordinate educational activities on a course-transcending level, act as an examiner and direct, train, guide and supervise teachers.

AUTQ requirements

In order to obtain an AUTQ, you must meet all the final attainment levels set by UU for the AUTQ. This requires experience with both innovative design of education and testing, and implementation of education, testing and assessment from an up-to-date knowledge of education. In addition, a substantiated vision of (a specific aspect of) university education and contributions at the cross-course level are expected. Didactic training is also required and, in addition to your UTQ, you are expected to again show student evaluations, teaching observations of your teaching, your teaching observations of fellow lecturers and examples of teaching and assessment materials developed by you.
Educational experience requirements SKO

Obtaining an AUTQ

For lecturers who want to gain more insight into the criteria for obtaining an AUTQ, and who want to reflect on their current position, the UU offers a half-day introductory meeting

To meet the requirement of didactic training, you choose a self-composed training package. At UMCU we offer only courses in Dutch.

Onderwijsadvies & Training UU

Centre for Teaching and Learning


To demonstrate that you meet the requirements for the AUTQ, put together a portfolio. A portfolio model is available for this purpose.

Read here tips and tricks for writing the AUTQ/STQ.

Your teaching experience should be described in the Education CV. This includes content, form and target group. The portfolio model contains an outline for this.

To collect student evaluations, you can use several options: such as the usual teaching evaluations and the feedback and observation forms (see below this page or use drop down menu)

Feedback and assessment

When you think you meet all the requirements and you have composed your portfolio, you have to submit the complete portfolio digitally as two pdf-files (one pdf-file with the portfolio and one pdf-file with the attachments) to

You will then receive substantive feedback from one of the educational advisors via email.

If everything is complete and convincing in the opinion of the educational advisors, you can go up for the assessment interview. That interview is conducted with two experienced teachers from the Board of Assessors and is supervised by an educational advisor. When submitting your draft portfolio, you can already sign up for the assessment interview, but keep in mind that any additions must be done before the deadlines.

If you also show in the interview that you meet the requirements, you will receive the UU Certificate of Senior Qualification in Education (SKO) on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine.

Intake applications uitklapper, klik om te openen

Intake applications

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