
Ray Schiffelers

Raymond Schiffelers obtained his PhD in 2001 from Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on Liposomal targeting of antimicrobial agents in bacterial infections. In 2002-2 2003, he moved to Intradigm Co. (Washington DC) to work on siRNA delivery with nanoparticles. Here he developed the first intravenously administered siRNA nanoparticle for use in pre-clinical experiments. 

After he returned, he built his own nanomedicine research group at Utrecht University. He received an NWO Vidi grant in 2007 on targeting inflammation to fight cancer and received an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2010 to explore extracellular vesicles as drug delivery systems. As a result of his ERC Proof of Concept grant in 2011 he founded Excytex bv, a company combining his liposome and extracellular vesicle expertise. He moved to the University Medical Center in Utrecht in 2012 and became professor of nanomedicine in 2015. Since 2016 he is coordinator of B-SMART and EXPERT, two H2020 RIA projects . In addition, he currently coordinates five projects through national grants. 

Currently, his group at UMC Utrecht focuses on natural and synthetic nanomedicines and all projects that are currently running are public-private partnerships. 

He serves on the Executive Board of the European Technology Platform Nanomedicine as Vice-Chair.


Email:  r.schiffelers@umcutrecht.nl 

Phone: 088 7556512


Nanomedicine, RNA therapeutics, mRNA, siRNA, nanoparticles, liposomes, lipid nanoparticles, gene therapy

Research topic


Type of research

The Nanomedicinelab @ UMC Utrecht uses natural and synthetic nanoparticles to improve diagnosis and therapy. We do translational research, where challenges in healthcare guide scientific research. Key areas of expertise are extracellular vesicles (such as exosomes and microvesicles), non-coding RNA and synthetic drug delivery systems (such as liposomes and polymers). Our work spans the entire nanomedicine field from particle assembly and characterization to study of in vitro and in vivo behavior.


Pure profile

Ray Schiffelers

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